Sunday, February 21, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

It has been several months since I posted on DJ Washington DC and believe it or not, it has been for a very good reason. Originally, as we began 2010, my objective for DJ Washington DC was to discuss what SEO websites and marketing gurus state as being the obvious for an entertainment blog. Such items would be how to pick your entertainment for your wedding along with do's and don'ts for a corporate function. As a consumer we discovered that this begins to translate into the following:

Another boring useless blog!

What I have discovered is that people want the actual feel and day to day process of an entertainer from the inside out. A blog should be a reality show on paper. They want to know what we do as we prepare for a wedding, as we put together a lounge mix or compilation, why would we choose to use vinyl over CD's or a Rane professional mixer over a Pioneer. Why would one MC and DJ a Mitzvah instead of doing one or the other and why would anyone be willing to perform at a concert by opening for an act in the freezing cold in the open air with no covering in case of rain.

Believe it or not, people actually want to know what makes a DJ unique. Choosing a DJ for any event can be a difficult task. I want to assist in making this process less time consuming by presenting a journal of information and procedures that allows visitors to review and understand the day to day perspective of the decision making process of an entertainment professional.

2011 is soon approaching and our primary objective at DJ Washington DC is to educate. More to come............