Monday, April 19, 2010

Music Programming - DJOC Website Version

Aaron Couch of DJOC has received rave reviews for his innovative approach to creating a client’s “music profile”, that is, programming music based on their needs and intended use. Whether the occasion is an intimate dinner party, a lounge happy hour or a large corporate event, custom programmed music can set the proper mood and enhance the overall experience. DJ Couch’s “ear for music” has led to the creation of this service. A service, that is growing in both popularity and demand within the industry.

The concept is simple…DJOC will load an iPod, or other mp3 player, with at least 8 GB of music specially mixed and programmed. That’s approximately 130 HOURS of continuous music tailored to the individual, so all you have to do is PRESS PLAY and enjoy. Whether your preference is Jazz, Top 40, Chill Out, House, R&B, Easy Listening, Rock or anything in between, DJOC has a program for you.

Contact us today for more information and let us show you why DJOC is “Your Primary Choice In Music Care”.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Music Programming

Many department and retail stores have it for their establishments and many times you find that you are in need of this service for various private events as well as other types of gatherings and networking functions. You could have to entertaining guests for a dinner or corporate party or you may wish to set the perfect social ambiance for your bar, restaurant or lounge so that your patrons can enjoy the atmosphere that you have desired to create।

With today’s innovations and the advancements in technology, one would think that putting music in place for a four to eight hour period to meet these needs is easy as “game, set and match”. This, as you may or may not know, is far from the case. Keeping this in mind, DJOC has been approached on multiple occasions over the last several years with specific and detailed requests from people who need to have their music organized on their iPods and ।mp3 players as well as inquiries to prepare custom music mixes, productions and compilation programs.

What they were and are continuing to seek is “music programming” that compliments their “music profile”. We have created an answer to a specific niche market that is a solution that bridges the gap between being a DJ on site whenever and however they desire. Reason being is that when it comes down to it, “most people just want to push play”।

Those who are seeking this particular service want their music library organized according to taste, genre, recent hit, classic hit, memories or whatever else their musical persona my insist. To do this effectively it would take an enormous amount of time।

Not only time but talent and the true understanding of music genres and sub genres by a talented professional. Therefore, we are here to relieve our clients of that burden and provide you with the music sets that you deserve।

Have you ever heard any of your friends say in the past or even recently, “I just can’t get my iPod the way I want it” or maybe, as you or one of your associates at the law office mixer has said, “do we have to listen to that artists for the entire hour, again?”. In the same manner that one needs an event planner to insure that all the pieces are brought together properly to insure an outstanding production, so is a professional in programming your music for all of your entertainment needs।

Many are discovering that it is not only a luxury, but in many cases a necessity, to have a professional organize their music so that they are prepared for any situation. Professional or Private. With the invention of the iPod, programming opportunities now exist so that you can plug, play and “test-drive” various musical sets. DJOC takes this to the next level. A sort of Vera Wang Giorgio Armani custom tailored way. We do this by catering your selection’s to your desired musical styles and tastes, while also building on your “music profile” and putting together several other sets within your programming, so that you, your friends, professional colleagues, patrons and/or family are always entertained।

DJOC has discovered that many believe that they can put music on an iPod and DJ any small gathering of individuals. “Nah, we don’t need a DJ, I will bring my iPod”. They evaluate the situation and conclude the need of the scenario by loading music on an .mp3 player for the function and assume that everyone is going to be satisfied. Once the event has begun and they are less than thirty minutes into the event, most find out that they have not done a fair assessment of the evenings guests list, thus, the music makeup is more of their personal tastes than that of the masses।

What one may find entertaining for them may not be entertaining to others।

Our objective at DJOC is to take what you like, make it more likeable for you and make it likeable and entertaining for everyone. While working on your music profile, we search for and lock in place what we call “bridges in music genres”. These are songs that basically introduces your best friend who likes R&B to Country and your cousin who likes Jazz to European Chill Out. This is one of the key aspects that helps us to build upon your current music library and put in place a music program that truly defines who you are and presents you with an option to always entertain।

Aaron Couch of DJOC has received rave reviews from his approach on creating a client’s music profile as well as his ability to program music based on their needs and intended use. “He has an ear for music”. A humbling compliment that has led to the creation of this service, one that many feel, and are finding out, is a needed one within our industry. The iPod is the “Reel to Reel” of the next millennium and here at DJOC we are presenting music programming options for you, our clients, then previously ever imagined. We can do more with music and we want to show you how. Our basic music packages start off at an incredible rate as you will receive a minimum of 8 GB of music. That is an estimated 130 plus hours of music, professionally programmed and mixed so that you don’t have to do anything but enjoy. Contact us today so that we can provide you with further information on why DJOC is “Your Primary Choice In Music Care”.