Saturday, August 13, 2011

Event Planners Are Worth Every Dime!

How Did They Do That?

You remember that event you attended that at some point you just looked around and thought...WOW...this is incredible. The setting was perfect, the decor impeccable. The attendees (yourself included) were feeling good, obviously enjoying themselves, the food and beverage were spot on. The music was happening and people were dancing.

Yeah, you remember. At the end of the night you couldn't help but thinking. Damn...that was a good time.

You made sure to take the time to get with the host or hostess and sincerely thank them. And you should have. But there's someone else you should have thanked if given the opportunity...the event planner.

They are the unsung heroes of every great event.

The sheer number of factors that go into throwing a successful event are numerous enough to make most folks' heads spin. Yet the event planner is called upon to juggle these variables and make it happen. From the location, to the wedding DJ, and all things in between, the event planner must arrange and execute.

Good event planners are worth every single dime and frequently more. They must have administrative abilities, financial knowledge, communication skills and a creative aptitude.

Think about it.

They find the proper venue and prepare a contingency plan if there is a problem (i.e. an outdoor event that could be hampered by weather).

They work with the client and use creative skill to develop and implement a theme for the event.

They help with promotions or invitations.

They put clients in contact with quality design people, food and beverage professionals, staffing groups, and entertainment agencies such as DJOCfor music.

When you consider the details each one of these factors entails you begin to have a glimmer as to just what an incredible feat an event planner is required to pull off.

The best event planners are well connected in all these facets and have vendors and service providers on lock for all scenarios. For these reasons the event planner should be trusted to assess the client's needs and desires and put together an event that is exceptional.

Event planners also understand the limitations of mediocre budgets and the potential of large budgets.

If funds are limited, a great event planner will look for areas where costs can be cut to a degree without sacrificing too much quality as well as maximizing in the areas which may be of particular importance.

Conversely, a large budget in the hands of a solid event planner can make a client's dreams come true, sometimes even beyond expectations because these planners take the time to listen to the client, assess the budget, then work tirelessly to ensure that every last detail is taken care of to the best of their abilities.

So the next time you're at that great event, and you're looking around, noticing how everything from the venue, to the design, to the bartender, to the wedding DJ, all seems perfectly coordinated, and working in concert, remember that you have the event planner to thank for the great time.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely written, Aaron! Thanks for sharing the value of working with an event planner.
