Thursday, August 11, 2011

Listening & Giving The Client The Goods

Just What You're Looking For

When hiring someone, an employer takes time to interview the potential employee. This allows them to learn more about the individual, discuss their qualifications, learn about their skills, what their strengths are and areas to develop. This way both the employer and employee have some expectations upon which to gauge performance.

Although it may seem like a forgone conclusion, those looking to hire a DJ might not even think to take steps similar to those they'd take when hiring an employee so when booking a corporate DJ they need to consider what it is they really want and how they can evaluate the quality of the entertainment they are receiving.

That is why working with professionals like those at DJOC can prove to be such a valuable asset.

They take an innovative approach by fusing deep knowledge of music with that of the industry and by constantly striving to learn more about what the client is seeking.

One key question asked when consulting with a potential client is: what does "good" look like to the client? That is...what's their overall vision of a successful event.

This exercise provokes thought on the part of the client and allows DJOCto develop a foundation upon which to build.

Once the initial foundation is in place DJOC will bring its extensive experience and knowledge to build upon the structure. They have put on innumerable successful events and the client can take comfort in knowing that the corporate DJ's they are hiring got to where they are by operating as consummate professionals. In every aspect of performance, preparation, and equipment professionals bring the goods.

This is what sets DJOC apart.

There is no question that there are plenty of performers who are talented individuals with deep knowledge of many genres and sub-genres. They may have professional equipment and be responsible when it comes to arriving on time and setting up properly. But do they take the time to listen and consult with their clients to develop a relationship and build a foundation upon which a successful event can be structured?

Unfortunately, this is often not the case. On both ends. Some performers think that they have it all figured out and their vision as the talent is more important than the client's. Conversely, sometimes a client may preconceived notions about performance which are incorrect.

With DJOC these pitfalls are eliminated because the experience level and knowledge on both ends is superb. The talent is precisely that..."talented" and DJOC consults with the client well ahead of time to understand the vision for success and implement and ultimately execute a plan.

At the end of the day both parties want the event to be a success. They want the crowd to be entertained and satisfied. Conferencing ahead of time allows both parties to discuss the event and develop some reasonable expectations. This type of communication occurs in nearly every other business scenario and hiring a corporate DJ should be no different.

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