Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Importance of a DJ For Your Corporate Event

Don't Worry, I'm a Professional

You put in the time and effort getting your education. You got the job and worked hard to learn and grow in the position. You steadily moved up due to your diligence and commitment. You have earned your designation as a professional.

A professional corporate DJ is essentially no different. They started with a spark of interest in the music and explored it. They listened and learned and developed a collection. They made an initial investment in equipment, continually upgraded and stayed abreast of the ever changing trends in technology. They probably got some of their first gigs DJ-ing at house parties or small venues. They honed their skills and moved up to bigger venues and events. They too, should be designated as professionals. They've earned it.

This is their job and they take it very seriously. They are expected to perform at a high level and expect this from themselves as well.

Just as a corporate professional is expected to be punctual, informed, and prepared, a professional corporate DJ knows all the components required to perform their job.

The best take steps to continually evolve and grow as professionals. They take the time to become acquainted with their clientele and what they expect in the form of music. They meet or conference ahead of time to become familiar with what types of music are the most suitable for events. They check out venues to learn about acoustics in different rooms and what may be required as far as equipment goes. After all this preparation, on the day of the event they will arrive when expected and allow ample time to assemble the equipment and prepare for any contingencies. They know that scenarios can develop on the fly and they are prepared to deal with them. Oh, you need to use that wall outlet for the additional lighting? No, problem I've got another longer power cable so I can use that outlet across the room. There's going to be some people that will be hanging out outside? No problem. I'll run an extra speaker out there so everyone can hear the music.

This is all before they even perform.

High level DJ's got to where they are by having serious skills. They have an idea of what to expect from the event. As the event progresses they are constantly monitoring the audience and its reaction so as to choose the best songs to play at the appropriate times. They're entertainers.

That's why the best corporate DJ's want to work corporate events. They recognize that these events are comprised of professional people and it will be a mutual respect situation. They value these clients because they know that they are working in a capacity where the other aspects of the event are well planned and executed in the fashion in which they have prepared and executed. Finally, they know that by being part of successful events increases the chances of being hired again by the same clients, ensuring future work and greater success.

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